Guided Embodiment Practice

Thank you for your interest in this program.  I hope you enjoy the recordings and that they bless your life!

If you have any technical difficulties or want to get in touch, please email me: and I’ll get back to you shortly.

Love, Lindy

Meditation is an anchor in my life. Thank you. 

The sound of Your voice facilitates my dropping into an experience of peace and serenity. As I just wrote this I got another part – that not just your voice but you. Your intention emotion projection reception spontaneity playfulness simplicity delight acceptance…I could go on. I get that I’m grateful for u in my life and for your special gift. Thx

In our first sessions I would ‘spin.’ I am now grounded and mindful and can be present for myself in the moment. I have discovered the value of paying attention to my body and thoughts. I feel so much more of my own person now vs. reacting to others. Lindy has taught me how to pay attention to myself and feel the love for my child within.

I recommend her most highly as a therapist and teacher and I have the highest respect for her integrity and skills.