Body Centered Counseling

Body Centered Counseling

There is a deep wisdom which is
realized through the body.

Intimacy Coaching
   for Men

Intimacy Coaching
   for Men

Trust your true self.
Everyone loves an authentic man!

Tantric Education

Tantra Education

Invite sacred
tantric sexuality into your life.

Lindy James

I’m a ‘permissionary’ on a mission to help you find your own permission—to show up in your authentic truth, dare to ask for what you want, and taste what you’ve been longing for!”


…to the Permission Zone with Lindy James

It is my great joy to assist you in finding the Permission in Your Life!

With all the rules from our society, our culture, our family, plus whatever emotional baggage we’ve accumulated, we often live as if we do not have permission to be our true selves. We generally aren’t given the guidance of how to listen to our hearts’ longing, and don’t have the tools to get past our self-imposed obstacles, even if we do hear a faint voice from somewhere deep inside us.

Isn’t it time to do something about that?

Through the process of embodiment we will learn the somatic “felt sense” connection to our inner wisdom! As we take time to get curious and look within, the mind begins to relax, and our ability to hear the heart’s voice grows in strength.

With this wisdom as steady guidance, I offer a variety of services to help you bloom wide open into the life you want to live.


* indicates required

Introduction to Tantra with Lindy James

Upcoming Events

Current Month


Give your spirit wings to fly

I offer regular classes and sessions for individuals, couples or groups in Santa Cruz and Sebastopol, California (and elsewhere by appointment) in these four main areas of focus:

Body Centered

Find out who you really are, own the inner permission to simply be.

By slowing down and listening to the body we begin to find our inner knowing and develop the mindfulness needed to transform our lives. Through the gentle practice of returning again and again to the present moment, the taming of our wild mind begins and Life itself becomes a meditation. more…

Intimacy Coaching
for Men

Be the lover you want to be, just by being present and being yourself.

Practical and compassionate coaching for men of all ages who want more confidence and skill in creating intimate connections. Through the practice of presence and mindfulness, new understanding arises; you’ll find there is really nothing more you need to figure out. It’s all about trusting yourself. Everyone loves authentic men! more…


Step into sacred relationship with yourself, each other, and the Divine.

When we bring mindfulness into the bedroom, we bring a refined awareness to our sexual experience, becoming finely attuned to the wonders of our bodies. By remaining in the moment, without judgment, sex becomes more pleasurable, potent, and loving. more…


For sensual flowing aliveness.

Part of the Tantric path is keeping your sensual aliveness flowing. Start the day feeling open, sensual and alive. Set the tone for the day with 30 minutes of intention, breath and embodiment.

“Lindy’s loving presence and gentle guidance allowed me to find that same presence within myself—to meet her there, stay awhile, and feel what real connection is possible in this world. She helped me learn the rich language of my own body.

This inner wisdom has become one of the most valuable assets in my life.”

– Sacred Sexuality women’s group participant

© 2025 Lindy James         Design: Duke Houston       Web development: Gregory Wilker